
How to bring XMAS spirit to home automation.

Do you enjoy shouting at your house to turn lights on and off?

Do you wish this simple act of human machine bonding could be more fun and or themed for the holidays?

Then have I got the solution for you.

First you need to get into the habit of turning lights on by shouting

ON *lightname*

into the darkness.

This is one of the optimal ways to control lights with the ON command coming before the name of the light. It is possible you are already doing this, if not I advise practicing it for a few days.

Once you have accepted this habit as normal the next step is to rename all the lights in your home to the names of reindeer.

Here is a list for reference with sugested location.

There is no other step, by simply making these tiny festive changes you will bring holiday joy to your household and possibly neighborhood.