Photo: yes, the brits are known to go to the pubes. alot.
Super hyperbole boy is an example of everything that's wrong with the games industry. Zynga is winning and this is why.
Is it amusing when a page of text complaining bitterly about stupid bugs in a game, contains vastly more mistakes per square inch?
TF2 embraces in game item purchases with real dosh, apparently this is not a big thing...
What I do not understand about twitters removal of the old authentication methods is that sometimes old code still manages to tweet. WTF?
Apples war on programming continues.
BTW not giving a fuck about money is bullshit, because audience is currency. They want the hits even if it doesn't translate into cash sums.
Never ever ever speak out against journalism. Because the journalists will shit on you. It's like the faggot mafia.
Just a reminder that purchasing blizzard products is a mistake
Photo: of being civil.
@tigsource is a closed, fuckup of a community. We know this is true because we also have a closed, fuckup of a community
Photo: better late than never.
It is difficult to observe someone holding up Microsoft as an example of why open doesn't work without thinking: Who the fuck is this moron?
TRUTH: Mario sprite does not have buttons on his overalls. He has holes through which you can see his nipples.
Photo: and now, for something completely different. torch and his squirrel, possibly.
Photo: there’s always something worse than the worst things you can possibly think of.
A tipping point. "Users only appear to be influenced by the choices of other users above a certain level of popularity."
Photo: clang ,clang, clang went the trolley ding, ding, ding went the bell zing, zing, zing went my...
Please be aware that I am not down on paper games I just understand the difference.