Whilst on the subject, I should point out that one of my aims in games is questioning the fetishism of money using a virtual economy.
The book "Capital" by Marx, had its first major sales when it was marketed to Americans as a get rich quick scheme. - Publishing explained.
I hate to break this to you but super hyperbole boy is not harder than kirbys epic yarn. It's just badly designed.
Watching a "fine artist" create a game is like watching a caveman open a tin of beans.
I am glad that GOD invented the word #nuovo. It's a much shorter way of calling someone a talentless faggot.
Photo: tao and his period. http://tumblr.com/xupnii5wg
Photo: big fish, little fish, lathered in wasabi. http://tumblr.com/xupnerevl
Photo: if you can make apple pie, you can create the universe. http://tumblr.com/xupndgtje
Photo: something fishy about that fish. http://tumblr.com/xupn9re88
Photo: the correct way to address a dorky. http://tumblr.com/xupn8hkhr
Anyone would think that the only thing that dumb jurnos really care about is the opinion of other bigger dumb jurnos http://goo.gl/FKzH
Photo: i expect nothing less from the resident furry. http://tumblr.com/xupn4pehh
https://twitter.com/danthat/status/28674105637 @thezombiecow How about this. http://goo.gl/6IN9 Just pretend it is space crab.
Photo: yup, the only thing a traditional troll and your typical internet troll has in common is that they are... http://tumblr.com/xupn3dwml
Photo: a yay wall indeed. http://tumblr.com/xupmzh5mw
Photo: and now, some personal hygiene advice from darkscythe. http://tumblr.com/xupmy425e
What goes chat chat chat chat squirrel chat chat chat? This link -> http://tards.wetgenes.com/archive/
Photo: why are we here. http://tumblr.com/xupmufm5a
Photo: tag, you’re it. no, u. http://tumblr.com/xupmt712b