@ZellChristensen Thatsa whata I makea. :) @ZellChristensen That one, treats feeds like emails. Not quite what I want, I want more a stream of shit, which can mostly be ignored.
Also I want a webpage, which is where most of the work has been. I will probably end up with a browser extension solution as I'm not happy with the CORS bouncer.
Boy, have I got A RSS for you!
So I got a bit confused and decided to return to RSS by building my own in browser reader thingy in time for the ten year deathday of google reader.
Go back into the water, live there, die there. it does not bend, but it does have a much nicer softer less brittle feel to it, so success, maybe.
But will it bend?
#snowday and of course there is a discord because that's where people are now. Sorry for the link that's not a link but I'm on the new twitter black list for crimes against elonity.
Good news #BDONK 'as the #Bradford monthly #GameDev meetup in a pub is tonight. 7-9pm upstairs at The Turls Green.
Would you like to know more?
We have always been on sale at Eastasia. I bet they don't even use this as the theme tune.
Now do #Hatris you cowards.
Unsure what year this is...
Celebrate horny werewolf day with some free retro Larry! @SebAaltonen I see you are talking about a switch to Vulkan?
So the following phrase is the one I keep using regarding hardware support.
"Device must be as powerful as a Raspberry PI."
Few people will argue that a device once given away free on a magazine cover is too high a minimum spec.
Carrots are to be avoided, no weak stomach can digest them: turnips are innocent; and parsnips are nourishing.
Going through steam demos and this is nice little tower defence factory game.
Need to move the loot from mobs into machines to build and the mobs take the shortest path.
More farming than fighting which explains why the window is titled mob farm :)
Beware, his mark! @moonscript @itchio Does that trial make any of this less terrible?
I'm still kinda pissed that all the work I do with wasm became much less usable a couple of years back because of "security".