Photo: being gay is no laughing matter.
Behold my first post on a half written new blog service for appengine :) now to finish it... @jpsarda html5 wont replace flash. However I suspect googles native client + webgl + html5 probably will. Especially for video editing.
Photo: rtfm at
Why waste time on the silly facebook movie when you could be watching micro men?
Today may be the SMB birthday, but I always preferred the joust like original.
The debate is about neither games or art, it is about empowering journalists.
Photo: there is nothing quite like selling your soul to change your chat font colour.
Which is a problem since I'm looking for something that runs in ubuntu and pro motion is the windows.
Knowing how to use dpaint style pixel pushers is such a lost art that pro motion (cosmigo) is the only modern tool that actually gets it.
My laptop is suffering from the same problem as the xbox red ring of death. Wrapping it in a towel to warm up fixes it. THIS IS MY XBOX TIP!
American tries to take picture of spectrum and misses.
Animation is treated badly and has zero respect. Still, at least they don't have douchebags promoting not-animation, @FreakyZoid Poop gifts with this designation to anyone who can help you find the best deals and bargains anywhere from Australian online.
Hmmm, tasty micro instances from Amazon EC2, Only $0.02 an hour, I wonder if I can easily run my persistent web socket server on them...
Photo: today is cirno day. may those tagged be cursed with speech impediment. this includes the gods.
Photo: never pull xix’s finger.
The only reason printers have combined with scanners is to make you feel bad about throwing them away when they run out of ink.