I suspect we need to up the energy cache from 300 a bit, or do you think that would let people store up too much energy http://goo.gl/cIxex
That's it, I have had enough, steam is dead to me. I no longer acknowledge its existence. http://goo.gl/B21sl
@thewarmjets I suspect you haven't met many anarchists then...
https://twitter.com/AliceFromOnline/status/45252953581428736 @kaerast indeedy, I first used appengine as an easy image fetch and store in memcache server to bounce past flash's crossdomain security.
Have turned the use of memcache up a notch, so faster page loads etc etc. http://goo.gl/LLTP6
Apparently movies suck because of "attention spans and narrative tastes were already being recalibrated by MTV and video http://goo.gl/pxSqA
Has it really come to this? http://www.rickroll.com/
I repost http://4lfa.com/-/c/iFinger because it is true.
My lack of backwards letter understanding means I have no idea what is going on at http://sb-games.com/?p=223 but I'm pr http://goo.gl/LoaMw
A new round of hoe house begins. Maybe I will add wooki the booki this time round. http://goo.gl/u1VHC
Have added facebook login to bootstrapp As with twitter you must create a facebook app(which will require a confirmed fa http://goo.gl/Gcuya
Since it was the IGF again, here's a topical game of ours http://only1.wetgenes.com/ I still think it is quite a nice li http://goo.gl/ukOyA
Photo: i see. http://tumblr.com/xup1niz23j
Photo: one does not talk about erika_revolution. http://tumblr.com/xup1n86auj
http://boesky.blogspot.com/2011/02/googles-pimp-hand-is-strong-dirty.html I agree, Google and android are not going to http://goo.gl/UKCFa
I propose that the statement "It works perfectly, except in IE." is one that can be shortened to "It works perfectly." http://goo.gl/n0lSh
Photo: wherein everyone does a barrel roll except for the cool ones. the cool ones being the autobots. http://tumblr.com/xup1mx7oiz
Photo: wherein everyone does a barrel roll except for the cool ones. the cool ones being the autobots. http://tumblr.com/xup1mx7cp1