Hmm, Actually the important bit is -pix_fmt yuv420p and to prove it here is a video, maybe. yup you need a -crf 17 or possibly another number close to 17 to make twitter happy with the video file. That is a no BTW a took a while to find some magic settings that an upload did not barf on, I'm still not sure which option fixed the file I think it was -crf 17 in ffmpeg...
Lets see if twitter has got better at videos? Here is some proof that the earth (water) is flat (er at the horizon) @IcepickInTheory @charlottegore Chris Pratt, Charlie Day and Jack Black.
One day I will remember that OpenGL matrices are back to front and maths people write down quaternions in the wrong order.
That day was not today.
Screenshot for context.
I have no idea what apple does but...
Weighted Voronoi is a brutally simple way of creating variable size and shape hitboxes like this.
Not just for making touch slightly less terrible but works really well with mouse drag targets. ( Think klondike )
Watch this video backwards and learn how to drive your flatmates crazy.
Lets see, it has one game I have wish listed and I do not own all the other ones.
Hello, it is me, The Dark Lord.
Today I would like to apologies for accidentally ushering in the Age of Dark.
You see I got a bit turned around during the fight there and ended up walking out of the door I came in by.
Then everything snowballed and, well, here we are.
My bad.
If you had ever wondered what technical advancement could make holodecks possible whilst at the same time creating the opportunity for exceptionally evil holograms to escape and run amok in the real world. ahhh, it's Dont Starve. (of oxygen)
If only some sort of video game journalism existed maybe I could have discovered that without playing it myself?
This looks interesting, maybe?
especially worth a try since Valheim is now nerfed :) @MonstersGo @IamXERO @shahidkamal I did that with a Grifter, well almost, the wheel did not fall off but I pulled the handlebars out, so the same slow motion mid air horror.
and you had to be going pretty fast to get a Grifter into the air
Got me these huge knee scabs that seemed to last all summer.
and I see we are rapidly approaching this stage now
"Bloody typical, they've gone back to metric without telling us"
The Spectrum is so old that this swf about how old it is, is now so old that it is actually dead media, and now even Clive is no more.
So that's like really really old.
A test Wasm build, probably wont work well because bleeding edge technology, but it does work.
Men are from canals, women are from swamps.