social bucket by Crustolio in 32x32 #pixels using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
richest toilet paper by shi in 16x16 #pixels using the C64 palette. Visit to draw your own!
Also standards committees are saving us from APNG files (a reasonable gif replacement). Which is nice of them, cheers for that.
I think the main thing I just learnt about GIFs is you can choose any color to be transparent, but it only works if you pick the first one.
richest toilet paper by Crustolio in 16x16 #pixels using the C64 palette. Visit to draw ...
chilly lollipop by shi in 16x16 #pixels using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
I just battled giflib to the death using hex editors and bit counting and all I got was working transparency. @McFunkypants it's worth its weight in gold...
purple pulltab by shi in 32x32 #pixels using the Swanky32 palette. Visit to draw your own!
purple pulltab by great_pingas in 32x32 #pixels using the Swanky32 palette. Visit to dra...
purple pulltab by Big_Al in 32x32 #pixels using the Swanky32 palette. Visit to draw your own!
purple pulltab by Crustolio in 32x32 #pixels using the Swanky32 palette. Visit to draw y...
Did you know that a "one man team" can be comprised of up to 20 people?
sweet eyeball by Crustolio in 48x48 #pixels using the Swanky16 palette. Visit to draw yo...
sweet eyeball by shi in 48x48 #pixels using the Swanky16 palette. Visit to draw your own!
sweet eyeball by audovoice in 48x48 #pixels using the Swanky16 palette. Visit to draw yo...
central nail by shi in 32x32 #pixels using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
central nail by Crustolio in 32x32 #pixels using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
political whip by audovoice in 64x64 #pixels using the C64 palette. Visit to draw your own!