@McFunkypants I never used continues in the arcade so that makes me less of a hippo.
@CharlotteGore @shi
Our domains are curently down because -> DDoS Attack against DNS system v2 • Namecheap Status via @Namecheap @gamergaterabbit The really sad bit is this is a political problem with Mozilla generally opposed to all google tech on "principles".
@gamergaterabbit @shi Its 2x the work, its always 2x the work. Some cross over in terms of portable code but it is still 2x the work. @sgtruck There is a general hatred of "evil browser plugins" displayed by the open source fools. @sgtruck It will work but some Chromium builds (eg ubuntu for sure) strip the nacl plugins so it will fall back on emscripten.
Apparently, if you do not write a dumb blog post about doing something you might as well not bother doing it.
@gamergaterabbit I guess I'll have to add some code to force a mute on background since I'm not sure there is anything else to be done.
@gamergaterabbit that one is an @shi game BTW :) Sound is fine on NaCl the emscripten build has sound issues in the background. @McFunkypants @rje NaCl and the pepper interface is a better option than netscape style plugins. Just a shame mozilla hates em so much.
blind saftey pin by Crustolio in 16x16 #pixelart using the C64 palette. Visit to draw your…
stiff helicopter by Crustolio in 32x32 #pixelart using the Spectrum palette. Visit to draw…
stiff helicopter by XIX in 32x32 #pixelart using the Spectrum palette. Visit to draw your …
powerful colon by Crustolio in 48x48 #pixelart using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
powerful colon by Hiduko in 48x48 #pixelart using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!
We got some gthang coop browser action.
wasd+shift AND arrow+space
#pnacl #emscripten
powerful colon by shi in 48x48 #pixelart using the NES palette. Visit to draw your own!