@ducklingsmith Have a freshly minted jpeg, probably worth millions.
@rory @IATI_aid This one time I reverse engineered a data file format, Acclaim motion format I think it was called, for mocap data animation, anyway.
Then I had a visit from someone from Acclaim who wanted me to explain the format back to them because nobody there knew what it was anymore :) @GamingYourWay dejavu @arosbottom "I'm one of the few people you'll meet who've written more books than they've read." -- Garth @dougbinks @mcnabbd If only there was some other way to smell these smells.
100 is enough versions and Chrome should just stop development now so we can fully appreciate each and every one of them. @johnleach I think it gets better if you install it with the sandbox disabled ( --classic ) but I just fixed it by switching to arch since that's the one steam wants now.
Before and after INVOLUNTARY TOBOGGANING, also with cats. @RetroAli93 Statistically speaking, most retro games are sexy mahjong solitaire arcade games, so there must be an audience for that? :) @andrewcrawshaw A silent killer, the morris men are legally required to wear bells to give their victims a chance.
@magic_bane A graphics card is already an "xbox" so this is all just inevitable.
Pffffft operating systems suck
give me a graphics card with an M.2 slot to install data on and stop mucking about @derElbi Forget the dev, I just very suspicious of any games studio that lasts 10+ years.
Probably some kind of money laundering operation. :) @PuttyCAD The more expensive ones don't really get much better...
I was going to recommend but it looks like they are out of stock.
But that's what we have and box is probably a good place to buy it from if they restock... @derElbi For some reason this image springs to mind as an example of the distance between steam words and steam actions. @derElbi ahh people are all feckin eejits. I bet a proportion of people who plan to review and refund will have angrily bought the game via a cheaper 3rd party or just totally forgot to do the refund part. and ten years later will wonder why they have this game in their steam library. :) @IsiahGibbs Ima still breaking it. and beginning to fill up some alternatives on
Classic business mistake:
Forgetting that every bad steam review is also a sale. ah silly me I "fixed" the html version which means I needed to explicitly force a height of 100% on the html element so that 100% high body or div are actually the height of the screen rather than 0.
All the fun of the CSS.